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Category: Design

Free Phone Downloads by Rosie Lou

Free Downloadable Phone Backgrounds Now Available

Introducing…. FREE backgrounds to download for your phone! These backgrounds will be available in the free section of our website. There are currently 2 leafy designs but there will be more coming soon so keep your eyes peeled! I have loved for …

New Animal Pun Cards

We Have New Animal Pun Cards!

We are very excited to announce that we have a new range of animal pun cards! Up until now, we have always done fruit puns and veggie puns, but we thought it was about time we expanded our range to animal …

You are a delight

A Year of Rosie Lou | It’s Our Birthday!

This month we are celebrating one whole year of Rosie Lou! We can’t believe how fast the time has gone. I thought that now, in the new year, and on the anniversary of Rosie Lou, it would be a good time …

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